A youthful expression from an ancient Japanese distiller. Sasanokawa Shuzo has been making Saki and Shochu since 1765. They added Whisky production to their core line-up in 1946. The family is considered an honorable one.
Για να εισέλθετε στην ιστοσελίδα πρέπει να είστε άνω 18 ετών.
ΕΙΜΑΙ ΑΝΩ ΤΩΝ 18 ΕΤΩΝ Η TsaknakisBros σας υπενθυμίζει να Απολαμβάνετε Υπεύθυνα.A youthful expression from an ancient Japanese distiller. Sasanokawa Shuzo has been making Saki and Shochu since 1765. They added Whisky production to their core line-up in 1946. The family is considered an honorable one.
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